Elgin and Hall Beacon Inset Electric Stove
Elgin and Hall Beacon Inset Electric Stove
Designed to be inset into a standard fireplace back panel opening, the Beacon inset electric stove provides the look and charm of a freestanding stove but with minimal protrusion. The outer casing is manufactured from timber and painted matt black to give a cast appearance.
Designed to be recessed into a standard 16″ fireback, the Beacon inset only has a 45mm inset depth. This will ensure a flat wall fit with any 45mm rebate surround to gain that true stove appearance.
A major benefit of the Beacon inset stove is you don’t need to generate heat to enjoy it’s comforting glow. The LED flame effect only option lets you experience it any time. Working independently of the heating system means you can enjoy the ambient flame effect all year round without the need for the heat.
Both heat and flame effect are instantly available at the flick of a switch. A 7 day thermostatic remote control is included as standard to give full control from the comfort of your chair. The remote puts different levels of heat, light and flame at your fingertips and when your room has reached a comfortable temperature, the thermostat technology will constantly measure the temperature and adjust the heating accordingly.
Available in two sizes – large and small.
Width – 486mm (Small) 586mm (Large)
Height – 599mm
Depth – 232mm (45mm inset)
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