Elgin and Hall Hereford Electric Stove

Elgin and Hall Hereford Electric Stove

Using the same sturdy steel casing as a wood burner, the Hereford electric stoves are an authentic solution for achieving the woodburner look without the need for a flue or chimney. Available in two different sizes, it boasts the ability to enjoy an attractive dancing flame effect without the need for any heat output giving you enjoyment all year round.

Adding to the realism of these charming models, the Hereford incorporates a highly advanced flame picture within its strong steel body. A curved door in cast iron with large viewing window allows the flames to take centre stage creating a pleasing ambience in almost any room in your home.

When the room gets chilly, there is a concealed fan heater located at the bottom of the stove that gives you 1kW or 2kW of convected heat to quickly boost the temperature in the room. An in-built thermostat helps to maintain an optimum, even setting. Operated by remote control (which is included as standard) or via concealed manual controls on the stove.

Dimensions: (mm)

Hereford 5 – W 453 x H 608 x D 343

Hereford 7 – W 565 x H 608 x D 343

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