Elgin and Hall York Electric Stove

Elgin and Hall York Electric Stove

Sit the York electric stove next to it’s gas or wood burning counterparts and you’ll struggle to see any difference. Using the same high quality cast iron casting, it features a realistic electric engine that you can enjoy every night of the year.

Boasting a high quality cast iron body, the York electric stove offers the ultimate in realism but with an electric insert, enjoyable all year round no matter the weather. Simply plug in and switch on the coal/flame effect without the need to use the heater function.

When the room does require a blast of extra heat, there is a 2kW fan heater located at the base of the stove which is also thermostatically controlled. The controls for the stove are conveniently concealed behind the ashpan door and a remote control comes as standard.

Supplied with a lattice door, with an option of a plain door.

Dimensions: (mm)

W 465 x H 580 x D 310

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